[VIDEO] ICARUS – M30 General Assembly in Cyprus: Presentation of UCY and project’ advancements
1 month ago, ICARUS' partners joined for the M30 meeting of the project in Nicosia. Theodora Kyratsi and Birgit Ryningen talk about project' advancements, in particular regarding WP6 - High End Applications, in this video filmed at the University of Cyprus.
[VIDEO] ICARUS – Waste Assessment
Waste assessment aims to collect information about other processes outputs and their properties beside the product. This assessment allows to know if we have a waste or a byproduct and if it is hazardous or not. The results of the
[VIDEO] First pilot campaign: Production of Silicon metal utilising waste from the PV industry
Northern Silicon AS and SINTEF have joined forces and successfully conducted a first pilot campaign, during which for the first time we produced silicon metal utilising waste from the PV industry. In this campaign, virgin high purity quartz raw material
Video: silicon waste inventory
During the production of solar panels large resource flows are generated. Currently some largely end up as waste. Here the challenge in re-use is connected to the material properties: the composition, purity and morphology will determine how the current waste
Video presenting the project
SINTEF and BENKEI prepared a video to present the project value chain and expectations. You can watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/umgWwY4VLfo