SGL Carbon: testing open loop-recycling of EoL graphite from the solar value chain in bipolar plates
Internal combustion engines are a major contributor to global warming, as the raw material for all fuels that power cars, trucks, airplanes, and ships is fossil oil. One counter-initiative is the switch to electric drives. Purely battery-powered cars are now
Presentation of Silicon-Kerf recycling by CEA
Presentation of CEA and its role in the ICARUS project CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) is a French Research and Technology Organization particularly committed to research and development on low-carbon energy (nuclear and renewable energies). In this theme, the
LuxChemTech participated to EU PVSEC 2023
LuxChemTech participated also to EU PVSEC 2023 and presented a poster on "Waste from silicon processing as a source of energy and raw materials". As an industrial partner of ICARUS LuxChemTech is working on the upscaling of new innovating solutions to
New drying equipment
At ReSiTec, new continuous drying equipment for silicon kerf are now installed and in operation.